Bicycle, Bicycle

The first bike that I remember having was a tricycle. Hilary and I would always turn it upside down and act like it was an ice cream maker. 

Then I had a brand new pink and white Huffy! It was awesome! I had to ride it with training wheels at first but once those came off, I rode around the neighborhood like crazy. One day during the summer after I had the bike a couple years, I was inside playing with a friend and Lindsay was inside with her friend. All our bikes were in the yard. There were two new bikes and two older bikes (mine was older). When we all went out to ride around, my bike was gone! How rude! Well, we heard through the neighborhood grapevine who took it and eventually we found it at Trailer Park a couple miles away.

Then mom bought me a cute pink banana seat bike! I loved this bike!! The seat was huge and squishy! Why would I ever want a bike with a small seat again?

Well, I did get another new bike when I was about 12. The first day I had it, I crashed in the middle of the road. I had this bike for a long time. Again, it was pink. I don't know why I always has pink bikes because pink isn't even one of my favorite colors. I guess it's just the stereotypical bike color.

I now have an adult BLUE and silver bike! I still hate the uncomfortable seat I have to sit on, which is why I bought a seat cushion.


  1. The first paragraph made me laugh for like 5 minutes. So funny.

  2. You should buy a banana seat for your new bike! Everyone would be SO jealous!

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