50 Weeks

This big boy is 50 weeks old! We are in California right now visiting my mom and stepdad and we are having a wonderful time!

Likes: chasing cats, balls, hammering things, paint rollers and swifers, cheese, berries, and yogurt, waving and clapping

Dislikes: diaper changes when he's too busy playing

What's New in the Last Week: He finally stood up on his own last weekend! He puts one hand down and pops his butt and off he goes! 

I was nervous about flying with Parker alone but I fed him during takeoff and then he slept for the first 3 hours! So he was only awake foe about an hour and a half of the plane and we had fun reading books and playing. He has been terrorizing my mom's two cats and getting into everything. Dale bought a baby pool and he had a lot of fun yesterday splashing in it with a paint roller. We went to Ikea today and we'll probably check out the beach later today or tomorrow. Hopefully he'll do great on the plane on Friday!

I found him playing with Lucy the other day.

Zoe: This kid lays in weirder places than me!

Swifer maniac

Playing with the stuffed animals at B&N

Beautiful day on Sunday

hanging out with gramps

We made it to Cali!

Bed hog

Who me?

He loves to type.



He can climb!

reading at breakfast

passed out on the plane

rise & shine everyone!
He loves to hammer!

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