17 Weeks

Last week I had to start using a different blanket to lay him on because he was getting too long! But the blanket I used last week & this week has a Colts design on the other side and this week you can kind of see it...off to find a new white blanket!

Likes:  grabbing his feet all day long, grabbing everything (especially at my face), putting things in his mouth, watching Lucy, smiling at you when you lay him in his bed

Dislikes: Zoe barking when he's sleepy

What's New in the Last Week: he gained some weight (15 lb. 1 oz), pulls himself up pretty well from laying down when you hold his hands, going to bed pretty consistently in the 8 o'clock hour

We love to send daddy pictures in the morning!

a little short for the jumper!
I found my feet!!

Look Zoe! Look what I found!

Snuggled up 
He sure makes it hard to change his diaper now!

Lookout Baywatch!

Better go save someone!

There are no toys on this Target receipt!

I love my new Pooh book!

Zonked out in the stroller at Jennifer's!

We had so much fun at the Fair!

So fresh & so clean!


  1. I love his crazy eyes in his jumper pic! And his laugh is soooo cute!

  2. I was smiling looking at all his pictures. Parker is one sweet little baby.

  3. Thanks for posting all of the photos and videos of Parker.

  4. His expressions are so fun to see! keep up all the pics!
