38 Weeks

38 weeks along and baby boy is still cooking! I just got back from my doctor's appointment. Glad my regular doctor is back :) She really is awesome!

I only measured 36 weeks today...and still not dilated any. She did think that my cervix felt a little thinner which I guess is progress. I mentioned that my mom went 42 weeks with my older sister and me and asked if that 'runs in the family' and she didn't really think that it did but she did say she wouldn't wait that long. She said that she wouldn't have me go past 41 weeks. In two weeks she will check my fluid levels to see how everything looks. But regardless, 3 more weeks or less until our little guy is here! It's good to know there is a more definite feeling to the end of this! I am so glad that everything has gone smoothly and I never really had anything to complain about but I am definitely ready to be done and meet our baby!

This week I have done quite a bit of walking...around the neighborhood with Clint and at the gym with Augusta. I was so lazy the last two weeks with a cold and sinus infection that it feels good to be up and doing something active...although I was wiped out after the trip to the gym yesterday. I took a big fat nap on the couch! I need to remember to rest my feet in the evening though because my ankles are a little fluffy this week! Saturday we did some major yard work and that did a number on them too!

With not much time before our little pipsqueak is here I have a few things left on our to-do list to get done! Today I called our family doctor to see if she saw newborns. We both really like her and would love to keep seeing her for all three of us. Well, she was willing to take him on but she is switching jobs in July :( So back to the endless list of doctors...not just for the baby but now for all of us! Boo!

I also finished painting the book shelves that Clint made but he is trying to figure out how he wants to hang them. Once they're up I'll share a pic. I was also thinking about making a rug for his room. I have looked everywhere for an orange rug but I can't find one anywhere! So I may make this in orange:

I can't quite decide!

Well here is how much I have grown since the middle of November:


  1. Looking good sis! Only 10 more days til I get there! Tell little man I have to meet him so he better get a move on!!! You're looking cute. I talked to dad yesterday and he said every time he sees you that you look bigger -- LOL!

  2. Hang in there! He'll be here soon! It's so funny to look back at the pictures. I remember when I was earlier on I thought I was so big until I compared my belly to pics toward the end!
