37 Weeks

Baby B has officially made it to full term at 37 weeks! However, with three days of school next week, I hope he decides to stay in there for just a bit longer...but not too long! 

I am still moving really well and have lots of energy for most of the day but I pretty much crash out at the end of the day because I stink at pacing myself. 

Everything is looking really good so far. Today I went to the doctor and I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I've had sporadic contractions lately, but like I said...I want him to wait just a bit longer. Also, my doctor is out of town this weekend! I've gained 30 pounds so far and kind of hope to stay here for the next couple weeks but either way I'll live. I'm measuring at 36 weeks which is good too. My blood pressure is 110/58 which is how it has pretty much been the entire time. My cankles...I mean ankles, have swelled a bit and because I've been pretty active this week (with a field trip, line dancing, chasing a toddler, teaching in a two story building, etc.) they haven't gone down much. So I may prop my feet up some this weekend. We'll see anyways. I have a mini to do list for the weekend: the neighborhood pool opens up Saturday and Parker is overly excited!! So we will definitely head there some this weekend. I am hoping to go into my classroom for just a short bit to clean out some things that I don't want to leave there while on maternity leave for the next year. Then of course, just general having fun family time :) I wrote this before going to the doctor and now that I know I have progressed a bit, I may have to hold on some of my plans for the weekend!

Not too much of a difference again other than my chubby face :)

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