23 Weeks

This weekend I am 23 weeks along! Parker had to be in the picture with me today (although he was a little far away, so I scooted him closer with photoshop). 

I am still feeling good as long as I don't eat too much! 

Sleep has been good too so far which is nice because when we have two kids, sleep will be a distant cousin I'm sure. 

As far as planning for the next baby's arrival...I made a short of list of things we sort of/mostly need. 

The in-laws are getting us a new sit & stand stroller for 2:

My aunt got us a new rock & play sleeper that automatically rocks:

We will eventually get a pair of video monitors for the two rooms

I am not a big fan of all the outfits that say big/little 
brother but I really like these:

Here is a quick comparison from then and now:

Left with Parker, Right is now

Well that's all for now!

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