
Beckham - Twelve Months

Happy birthday Beckham!
Big boy is 1 year old today and so happy about it!

When I tried to take his monthly picture, he kept throwing the giraffe on the floor and laughing about it! He just loves to do his own thing!

He got to enjoy a little slice of birthday cake! He just stared at it for a bit and then ate tiny bits of icing. So then i kind of cut it and he ate a small chunk but then was kind of over it. So I put it back in the little box and he started putting all the crumbs in too. So I guess he was over it!

I loved at the end of the video when he realized "Hey! This icing tastes kind of good!"

Measurements: He weighed 21.6 pounds on Sunday and is 28 inches tall. We go to the doctor tomorrow for Beckham and Parker's yearly well check so I'll see if those are right! He is still wearing 12 month sized clothing but I am guessing that he will fit into 18 month sized clothes pretty soon. His feet seem to be a tad smaller than Parker's were...he would probably wear between a 2 and 3 in shoes.

Milestones: He started walking the day before we left for Hawaii (May 23rd) and has been cruising ever since! He loves clapping...especially when he sees/hears other people doing it or he hears "Yay!" He also says: "uh oh, mama, dada, Bob Bob". He has 2 top and 2 bottom teeth. The bottom teeth are pretty close to being fully exposed but the top 2 are still pretty hidden.

Schedule: Generally he wakes up around 7am, although lately he's been waking up at 6 or 6:30 :( He eats breakfast around 7 or 7:30 with Parker - usually yogurt, fruit (bananas or blueberries), and a waffle (or half). Depending on when he woke up, I also feed him once in the morning.

He takes his first nap around 10am and it's usually 30-45 minutes.

We eat lunch about noon. He is so into food that he pretty much eats anything. He is also really good at feeding himself and chewing so I don't have to make the tiniest bites anymore. I also feed him around lunch time.

He takes another nap around 2:30 and sleeps anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or two. He then takes another feeding around mid afternoon.

We eat dinner around 6pm - although sometimes he seems like he's ready to eat a little earlier which can actually be a little helpful for him to eat first. I feed him around 7:15 and he is in bed by 7:30. He sleeps all night until either 4ish or 6ish. For some reason he doesn't usually wake up at 5. I'm glad that he wakes up at 6 since that is about when he'll have to wake up when I go back to work!

He is a quick animation of all twelve months!


Beckham - 52 Weeks

The last weekly photo and blog for my little nugget Beckham! My how he has grown!

Likes: blueberries - almost all fruit, waffles, goldfish, peekaboo, his pacifier, animals, opening and closing doors and cabinets, trying to escape diaper or clothing changes, his daddy, the pool, playing with Parker, showers & baths

Dislikes: things getting taken from him, not getting fed fast enough or having an empty plate

What's New in the Last Week: His walking speed has gone to super speedy! He got his first real haircut!

Here is a quick animation of almost all the weekly pictures! Week 30 is saved on my desktop which is in the basement and I don't feel like going to retrieve it ;) And the animation only hold 50 photos so I also left off this weeks since it is above. And for some annoying reason it keeps putting week 15 first  :|

He does the funniest things!


Beckham - 51 Weeks

The penultimate weekly blog post! Next week my baby boy will be one! 

(our many tries to get a picture!)

Likes: waffles, blueberries, crackers, pretty much all food, clapping, water (baths, shower, pool, water table), getting into mischief, babbling, throwing things on the floor (pacifier when in his crib, food when in his high chair)

Dislikes: eggs, not being free to run around

What's New in the Last Week: He slaps his forehead like "Whoops!" 
He likes to hand everyone things, 
He loves waving to everyone!
His walking is getting really good! He is getting speedy. He can also change directions without falling and bend down to pick up things and stand back up.

Like I said, he likes to escape! So I hooked his walker up to the dog leash :D He loved being able to roam in the garage while we did a few things. 

 Yum! Rice & beans!


Beckham - 49 Weeks

Well this week's picture was successful. Or not!

Last week Clint and I spent a week in Hawaii and Aunt Lindsay stayed here to take care of the babies! I think I will do a separate post with her before she leaves on Wednesday because she has sooo many pictures and stories.

Likes: getting away like a speedy ninja, blueberries, Lucy, kitchen utensils, playing with Parker, crawling over things, bath, swimming, walking!

Dislikes: eggs, formula - He refused the bottle that had some mixed in. Luckily I had just enough milk for when we were gone!

What's New in the Last Week: He had his first extended time away from Clint and I and did really well. He didn't really give Lindsay too much trouble other than when he was teething - he got one more tooth, this one on the top.

He started walking the day before we went to Hawaii so of course he perfected it while we were away. He's getting pretty fast at walking too!

His sleeping has improved so much! He slept from 7:30-5:45 multiple nights!

He had a big scare with Lindsay after eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He broke out in major hives and ended up in anaphylaxis and had to be rushed to the ER. They gave him epinephrine right away and monitored him for about 4-5 hours and then Lindsay got to take him home. I have to call the doctor Monday  to get a referral to an allergist. Then we'll see what's next.

Eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...the probable culprit; you can sorta see the beginning of his swelling.
pretty much the only time Lindsay wasn't holding him

Here are a few more (fun) pictures from Lindsay from last week:

Looks like they had a lot of fun :)