45 Weeks

Likes: cold teething rings (even though we don't see any new teeth), cheese sticks, bread 

Dislikes: laying still for a diaper change

What's New in the Last Week: Little man is taking several steps now! He has taken up to 6 before falling over...I love how proud he is after he walks because he gets the biggest smile! He has also starting giving kisses to things (the mirror in the car, his stuffed animals).

He clearly was enjoying himself while the birthday party was going on!

giving fox some kisses

We had a superhero day last weekend!

Celebrating his friend Griffin's first birthday.

Party hats!

44 Weeks

Likes: playing in the curtains, handing us things, berries and bananas, chasing us, fake coughing

Dislikes: being trapped in the baby zone in our living room

What's New in the Last Week: he learned how to get behind the curtains and bang on the window, he is getting really good at feeding himself and using the pincer grasp, and tonight we discovered that he can climb the stairs!

my little Valentine!

what a cutie

his 2nd haircut!

lookin spiffy!

he kept trying to put his hat on

hiding behind the curtains

he's figuring out books

he is obsessed with my belly button and sticking his finger in it

love this face!!

10 Months Old

Our little guy is getting so big! He got his second haircut yesterday because it is growing so fast over his ears. 

Big Milestones: He learned how to pull himself up right after he learned to crawl in December but he has been able to stand alone for the last few weeks. He has stood up without anything to pull up on one time but he usually needs something close by or else he takes a tumble. We have worked a little on a few signs (more and all done) and we think he signed all done this morning but he may have just been excited! I am really trying to get him to say banana since that seems to be his favorite food. He mimicked the tone I was making but he was using ba ba ba sounds. He has also started putting things in certain containers on purpose as well as putting things in our hands if we hold them out. 

Measurements: When I weighed him here at home on our scale he still was in the 19 pound range and I measured him out at about 29 inches. I definitely have noticed that he has grown lately. I feel like he hadn't grown since Thanksgiving much until now. His 6-9 month pants are finally fitting and some of his 6-9 month onsies are too small. A lot of his 9-12 month clothes are a smidge too big but he can wear most of them.

Daily Schedule: Parker's schedule has been pretty much the same for the last few months but he just doesn't know it! At least when it comes to napping. He gets tired enough for a nap 2-3 times a day but sometimes decides just one nap is enough! Luckily he sleeps well at night for the most part. We will not mention last night because we thought for a moment we had a newborn!

He has started eating a lot more at his three main meals and last week he went from 2 six ounce bottles during the day to 2 four ounce bottles. He still nurses in the morning and before bed and usually when we get home from school. He loves most foods but we have finally seen him not want something! I fed him some baked potato and he spit it out twice and made the funniest yuck face! He did the same thing with black beans...both of which are foods he had previously eaten. So they may have just not been what he wanted that night. Or because they are gross to begin with ;)

Thank goodness I only have to do two more of these pictures because he is getting really squirmy!

Such a big boy!

43 Weeks

It's crazy to think that I have done Parker's weekly blog for 43 weeks in a row...and that I have only 9 weeks before he'll be a year old!

Likes: funny faces, snorting, crawling, standing, giving kisses...he gave Clint his first kiss tonight! I don't think he liked his scratchy beard!

Dislikes: same ol' same ol'...being left alone and getting strapped into his car seat

What's New in the Last Week: he finally figured out how to roll over from the crawling position to the sitting position

reading with daddy

waking up from a nap a lil grumpy


and now fuzzhead

he loves that cat!

hate when I have meetings in the evening!

crossing his legs in his monster jammies

42 Weeks

Another snow day for Parker and me! While I don't want to have to make up days...it is nice getting to spend extra time with my snuggle bug! I was pretty sure that we were going to be closed today so I decided last night to just update the blog today :)

Likes: stealing the spoon when we feed him, bath toys, crawling away when we change his diaper, tickles, clapping, standing, furniture cruising, his owl flashlight

Dislikes: when we leave his sight

What's New in the Last Week: he stood up last night on his own and this morning he took one baby step with one foot and fell into my lap

more snow? aahh!

mmm smoothie

front row parking

strawberry jelly on my toast!

rock 'n roll baby!

he loves pulling out all my headbands